It's time to make plans for our 7th Annual Fall Festival and Open Talent Night! This is an annual studio tradition full of fall fun for the entire family and an opportunity for Open Arts students to showcase their talents at our annual talent show.
Save the Date for Friday, November 18th from 6-8pm at the studio. We'll have a variety of Fall Festival Fun outside for families from 6-7pm and then we'll move inside for the Open Talent Night show. We'll have more specific details for everyone as we get closer to the event, but if you'd like to sign-up as a Craft Vendor or to perform in our Open Talent Night, keep reading for more details.
Once again, the audience will choose ONE ACT to perform at the Holiday Spectacular on Saturday, December 3rd and the Directors will also choose an additional act to perform. This is a wonderful opportunity for dancers to work on their choreography skills, perform a skit with friends, sing a solo or duet, or showcase any other talent you'd like to share with your Open Arts family. Have fun, be creative, and get ready to SHINE!
Sign-up for Open Talent Night Acts is NOW LIVE! Sign-up to perform via the Online Form no later than Sunday, November 6th. The Open Arts Leadership Team will be in touch with all acts the week of the event to finalize plans for the show. We believe in you and can't wait to see you perform.
NEW this year we are inviting our families that are artisans, crafters, or those who have small businesses to set-up as Vendors to sell their wares at the event. There is no fee to participate and this opportunity is open to all current Open Arts families. The have 5 spots open and they will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Fill out the Vendor Form here.
Stay tuned for more details. We can't wait to celebrate all things FALL with you very soon!